Removing the coronavirus mask: may this crisis reveal us as Christians

Everyone is looking for masks, even though medical professionals tell us not to. Maybe it helps us feel less helpless.

But masks have another purpose. We normally think of them as things to cover who we are — to hide or disguise what we really value. I think this virus will take off some masks— and help reveal our true selves.

And I think a whole lot of masks are about to come down.

This is not a crisis anyone wants, but I am hoping this crisis displays who Christians really are. We’ve launched to help, but let’s face it: as things accelerate, and the masks truly fall, we will show what kind of Christians we really are. I’m ready to know.

I believe serving and loving others as Christ himself has served us through his death and resurrection is central to our faith — even when it involves personal risk and cost. That’s what I hope this crisis will reveal.

Social, not Relational, Distancing

One way we do that is to care for one another — all of us, yes, but let me write to Christians for a moment because maybe we need extra reminding. Yes, social distancing is the news of the day, as it should be; however, if we end up distanced from one another, we will be worse off, not better.

The point is simple. Social distancing is necessary. Relational distancing is not. Let’s seize the opportunity to check on our neighbors. Let’s build a relational bridge when the virus wants to create a social moat.

During the coronavirus epidemic, we will be separated. We still have to stick together.

Let’s show who we really are, as Christians in our day. This is our moment.

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